FooForce service model is built around the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), an industry standard which integrates with enterprise governance and security standards. Key focus areas include rapid recovery from disaster with minimum downtime and scalability for growth and change through flexible and responsive partnerships focussing on business requirements.
At FooForce, proactive client engagement and account management is integral to our service model and to your experience with us as a valued client. Our process provides a level of maturity that delivers predictable, consistent operations with clear procedures that support business goals.
Account management and client services management are integrated. Your primary contact is a dedicated Client Manager who is a Senior Engineer and is responsible for supervising all service to your staff and management. We deliberately and specifically appoint an engineer as Client Manager because this role requires someone who thoroughly understands technology and how to align with business goals. The Client Manager works with the engineering team to ensure smooth service, and that your business suffers no downtime.
If escalation is needed beyond the Client Manager, the FooForce senior management including the business owners are always available and take an active and involved part in maintaining client relationships.
Our service model is characterised as follows:
- The focus is on client service with clear targets that are based on business goals.
- Service is fully defined, managed and documented.
- Processes and functions are monitored and measured.
- Action is taken where processes or functions appear not to be working effectively.
- Automation and tools are used to deliver efficient operations
- A process of continuous improvement established.
The essence of good service and a great experience is consistent and reliable communication. When you know what is going on, you can make good decisions with no surprises. There are several layers to the Foo approach to communication and request and incident management.
Logging and Tracking Requests
Every task done for a client is created as a ticket in the FooForce system, every ticket has an owner, is reviewed by the Service Delivery Team and is tracked and monitored throughout the lifecycle until closure.
Support Requests
For each request, the requestor is the primary contact. If others are involved or need to be across the process, these staff will be added to the request and will automatically receive all updates. Regular communication appropriate to the priority level is built into the SLAs. Requests are only closed when the client requestor agrees the issue is resolved.
FooForce helpdesk is local and calls are directed immediately where possible. FooForce maintains over 70% first call resolution – your staff can expect to get their issue addressed straight away when you call our engineers.
FooForce uses a project management system fully integrated into our total management processes. Based on Prince2 with accommodation for an agile environment, our process ensures efficient communication and project completion
Incident Communication
Client management communication is critical during an incident – particularly of high priority. Timely, regular communication is a required part of our management of requests: hourly in the case of Priority 1 events.
Management Reporting
FooForce provide formal management reports monthly in line with client management meetings between the Client Manager and client executive and staff. This allows both FooForce and clients to review ongoing performance and SLA achievement, talk through any existing issues, any upcoming changes and events planned within the business. We can also discuss existing and upcoming projects at this time to ensure full visibility of any potential technology and infrastructure impacts or requirements. Foo’s management reporting is comprehensive and details SLA compliance, current status of systems and all work done during the month.
SLA Driven
At FooForce, we believe in a service commitment backed by contractual Service Levels (SLA’s). Your support and service requests are received via email or phone. All requests are raised as a ticket and immediately assigned by Dispatch to the most appropriate engineer. The assigned engineer will contact the requestor and establish an action plan.
Critically, it is you and not FooForce, who determine the severity of the issue and therefore the response and resolution SLA that applies. Whenever you may experience an issue you can contact FooForce and the problem will be managed within your needs and urgency.
FooForce consistently exceeds SLA requirements in the delivery of service across all our Managed Services clients. Our historic response and resolution performance shows emergency issues (Priority 1) have an average resolution time of 56 minutes.
In the event FooForce fails to meet the agreed SLAs for any calendar month, a service credit will be accumulated. This will be visible as a separate item in the Managed Services invoice for each service element for with a service credit is payable.
The Service Credit system is more than a service policy – it is a contractual obligation and fully described in the Managed Services Agreement.
FooForce requests client feedback on all service and conducts regular client satisfaction surveys to get feedback on overall satisfaction with the service delivered. Results of over 500 surveys received in the last 12 months show 97% of all respondents rated the service received as either Very Satisfactory or Excellent.